Borne of a mother's wish for a daughter with skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood, the old chestnut gets new blood in this gorgeous gift-worthy book that makes the traditional feel fresh as fallen snow. Succinct storytelling is less Disney and more Grimm, without too much gore. The evil queen is more impressively tenacious, first trying unsuccessfully to squeeze Snow White to death in a corset and then appealing to her vanity with a deadly comb before resorting to the old poisoned apple trick. Further, Snow White is roused from her sad fate not from true love's kiss but something more along the lines of a Heimlich Maneuver, and the queen is not chased up to a mountain cliff by vengeful dwarfs, but rather implodes from her own frustration (which, considering the college try she gave to being "the fairest of all," somehow seems far more realistic). Overall, the telling never feels belabored; the author appreciates that it is necessary to move along at a fervent clip, accenting rather than distracting from the visual delight in these bindings.
While the story literally unfolds on side flaps, this book centers on layered illustrated scenes of cut paper that allow any reader to fall under Ray's magic spell. This is an unusual pop-up book. Less of a copycat of the modern movable book master Robert Sabuda (his version of L. Frank Baum's THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ is still my favorite of his many marvels, with the read-aloud pop-up COOKIE COUNT a close second). Instead, Ray frames each scene in a proscenium, taking the tack of a print version of The Grand Little Theater of Puppets, the lovely likes of which I have not seen since the PETER AND THE WOLF POP-UP illustrated by Barbara Cooney in the 1980's. This illustrator has lent her hand to many beautiful tomes (unfortunately and hair-pullingly, many are out of print, though you can still get LUGALBANDA: THE BOY WHO GOT CAUGHT UP IN A WAR and the paperback of Berlie Doherty's FAIRY TALES. You'll find in this latest the artist's recurrent motifs of trees, vines and birds, beautiful, serene-faced, almond-eyed people framed in patterns and bronze gilding. It's a fairy tale world this artist creates, and only fitting that this world, so clearly imagined and executed, should have it's third dimension. Hope there's more to come. (7 and up)
While the story literally unfolds on side flaps, this book centers on layered illustrated scenes of cut paper that allow any reader to fall under Ray's magic spell. This is an unusual pop-up book. Less of a copycat of the modern movable book master Robert Sabuda (his version of L. Frank Baum's THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ is still my favorite of his many marvels, with the read-aloud pop-up COOKIE COUNT a close second). Instead, Ray frames each scene in a proscenium, taking the tack of a print version of The Grand Little Theater of Puppets, the lovely likes of which I have not seen since the PETER AND THE WOLF POP-UP illustrated by Barbara Cooney in the 1980's. This illustrator has lent her hand to many beautiful tomes (unfortunately and hair-pullingly, many are out of print, though you can still get LUGALBANDA: THE BOY WHO GOT CAUGHT UP IN A WAR and the paperback of Berlie Doherty's FAIRY TALES. You'll find in this latest the artist's recurrent motifs of trees, vines and birds, beautiful, serene-faced, almond-eyed people framed in patterns and bronze gilding. It's a fairy tale world this artist creates, and only fitting that this world, so clearly imagined and executed, should have it's third dimension. Hope there's more to come. (7 and up)

One good princess deserves another. And another. And then a prince who becomes king.

On a personal note:
Season's Greetings from the PlanetEsme Bookroom!

Many thanks to everyone who has been so supportive through donations of time, resources, artwork, awesome tchotchkes, support of my books (especially this year's resissue of EDUCATING ESMÉ and continued support of my children's backlist) and speaking opportunities which have all funded the project, and most of all your patience as programming is temporarily slowed while I am back in school concentrating on a Master's in Library Science, preparing to give my all to the upcoming children's literature training program that the PlanetEsme Bookroom will host in 2011. Meanwhile, Chicago area children's booklovers can look forward to a visit from the author Avi at the Bookroom this coming February (details to come!), and check out this inspirational pamphlet on starting your own salon in the New Year!
Links are provided for informational use. Don't forget to support your local bookseller.
More Esmé stuff at www.planetesme.com.
I am so so green each time I read your blog - so many books!!! (which I don't have!)
What kind of program will you be hosting? (and how do I sign up :) the bookroom continues to grow more and more beautiful ... good luck in school!
I am curious as to why you are getting your MLS. I have been considering this for some time, but thought a passion for children's literature could overcome the need for formal education. What do they offer that you do not have?
Molly, what a marvelous and important question, thank you for asking!
I decided to go for the MLS for a few reasons: for one, I LOVE working as a school librarian and found it ridiculous that under No Child Left Behind and various bureaucratic snafus, I was not qualified on paper to be an elementary librarian for the Chicago Public Schools (I still think an endorsement in Language Arts should do the trick; in fact, a lot of the coursework involves the same content). Secondly, for a long time, I have been plotting an accessible training program and network for those interested in instigating change and educational equity through children's literature, but it seemed to me that I would be irresponsible in starting such a program without answering the very question you posed, and I could only answer the question honestly by participating in a program. So I sought out the very best program I could in my circumstances (UIUC LEEP program) and tried to approach it with an "empty cup," assuming, as I always do, that teachers have something to share and I would come out better for it either way. Finally, "If you don't feed the teachers, they eat the students"(Neila Connors). I was hungry, too! I'm happy to keep those neurons firing, and make the most of being in a country where a woman is free to study!
I do happen to agree with you that a passion for children's literature is an education in itself, and is a subject deserving of a rigor and focus that is rarely fully recognized or realized in a university or formal setting. On the bright side, I am learning about cataloging, preservation, and both the inspiring history and the current climate of librarianship and literacy and the new shifts towards digitization and technology. I am encountering some of the most exceptional, kind, brilliant and inventive classmates I could hope to meet. And I am learning exactly what it is I have to offer that formal programs do not, taking the time to envision ways that the worlds of librarians, teachers and enthusiasts might converge and all receive the consideration they deserve to do their best work, and look forward to sharing it through this blog and in future live retreats/intensives/programs ASAP. (Which I hope you'll be a part of! ;-)
Great information and the evil queen is more impressively tenacious, first trying unsuccessfully to squeeze Snow White to death in a corset and then appealing to her vanity with a deadly comb before resorting to the old poisoned apple trick.
James Parker.
Penny Auction
Any news about the Avi visit? Any details would be fantastic.
Yes, Eti, I sent a confirmation to you via just this evening to your e-mail, did you get it? This Friday, 2/5, 4:30 at the Bookroom. Hope that can work out...I'm sorry, Friday evening was the only time that could be accommodated by our special guest.
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