THE BAREFOOT BOOK OF BLESSINGS FROM MANY FAITHS AND CULTURES compiled by Sabrina Dearborn, illustrated by Olwyn Whelan (Barefoot Books)
Here is a book you can bring to the Thanksgiving table, and each member of the family can take a turn sharing a page! This diverse collection of blessings all express an attitude of gratitude, and remind the reader of the magnanimity of the world. Eighteen blessings celebrate occasions that might occur in a day or in a lifetime, from the bounty that is a meal or a harvest ("Give thanks to the Mother Earth./Give thanks to the Father Sun./Give thanks to the plants in the garden/Where the mother and father are one." - Steiner) to blessings for a journey that will touch the hearts of far-flung guests
("May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back./May the sun shine warm upon your face..." - traditional Irish) to blessings for bedtime ("Great Owl of Dreams,/Wings soft and furred with dark,/Soar through my sleep/To that tender place between the eyes and heart..." - from "Celebrating the Great Mother") and general wishes for the future ("May you have success in all endeavors./May you have peace and health in the four seasons./May your happiness be as wide as the sea/May all your comings and goings be peaceful." - traditional Chinese). All conspire to create an overall feeling of general goodwill, gentleness and positivity. Colorful, detailed artwork gilded in bronze and featuring multicultural figures is clearly influenced by the work of Jane Ray. Pair this with Kay Chorao's BOOK OF GIVING and celebrate all that you have to be grateful for as a family, and the great blessing of being together, reading aloud. (6 and up)

Also of interest:

in which bad luck is carried away so that good wishes can come true.

Also, who likes leftovers? Check out more Thanksgiving picks in the PlanetEsme archive, where titles only get tastier with time.
On a personal note:
It was nice reading words of gratefulness for everyday things in these books. I know I am so grateful that someone took the time to teach me to read. Chris, my first grade teacher, who took dictation for my many stories on construction paper...thank you! Mom, who came to read aloud a short story about crossing the street for the first time to my whole class, who bought me every Beverly Cleary title as soon as it came out and showed me William Steig's cartoons in The New Yorker, and Dad, who read aloud Huckleberry Finn and Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator using all different voices...thank you! To Mrs. Schultz, my fifth grade teacher, who told me to take home the complete set of Great Books and not tell any one...thank you! To my Uncle Dave, who gave me all of his childhood Dennis the Menace comic books for keeps...thank you! To my husband, who read aloud to me ( YOU CAN'T WIN: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JACK BLACK ) during the whole ride to New Orleans...thank you! To my son, who learned to read using Johanna Hurwitz's books, who looked at his first library card as if it were a million dollar bill, who read aloud ABE LINCOLN: BOY WHO LOVED BOOKS with expression to his whole second grade class when I was too stuffed-up to do it, who still reads every night and recommends books to me and makes me understand how reading is a legacy...thank you! To all the children I have taught, who sounded out words when it was hard and chose books because they wanted to and did all the art to make our reading spaces so beautiful...thank you! Thank you to all the authors and illustrators who, miraculously, make everything new and new and new again, and thank you to all who publish and read my books and visit my Bookroom and website, and make my working life a story. So much to be grateful for! Does anyone have any words of thanks for favorite books, for reading together, for literacy? Please feel free to share them in the comments section! It feels good.
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More Esmé stuff at www.planetesme.com.
thanks for awesome gals like you keeping the flame burning!
Thank YOU for all of these amazing and lovely posts.
One is a Feast For Mouse has been a big hit in THE PIT although we're still trying to figure out how all of that food will fit in the hidey-hole!
Thank you, Mom, for never refusing to buy me a book and never censoring my reading.
I truly enjoyed visiting your blog! So much so I'm adding you to blogs that I follow!!!!! Keep up the awesome work :)
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