It may be such
a fairy-tale secret,
this much I know:
The road leads
you need to go.
You need to go
the road leads---
I know
this much.
A fairy tale secret?
It may be such.
Do you know my name?
Think of straw turned to gold.
In this story
I am
but not
I am
by greed,
a girl,
my foolish self.
My foolish self---
a girl
by greed betrayed.
I am liked,
but not
I am
in this story.
Think of straw turned to gold.
Do you know my name?
(7 and up) And if new poetry formats float your boat, make sure you check out the quite fabulous "spine poems" at 100 Scope Notes, in which books are piled up to create verse! So many great new ideas all around us!
Also of interest:
One good book of verse deserves another!
One good book of verse deserves another!
A magical telling,
a pig for the selling,
a spider is spelling
out words that amaze.
Do you know this spider,
this spiderweb writer?
The pig will delight her
the rest of her days.
Guess who! Follow the nicely metered clues to see if you can recognize friends from Ferdinand, Madeline, Click Clack Moo and the whole baker's dozen of literary children's book favorites past and present. Teachers and librarians, take special note: what a great read-aloud for the end of the year (how about dividing the class into teams and giving bookworms a chance to show their stuff?) or a marvelous anticipatory set for summer reading adventures. (6 and up)
EVERYBODY WAS A BABY ONCE AND OTHER POEMS by Allan Ahlberg, illustrated by Bruce Ingman (Candlewick, 2010) Some say the price of a cookbook is worth it if you find a recipe that you can use for the rest of your life. I think, likewise, the price of a poetry book is worth it if you can find a poem that you can love for the rest of your life. For me, that poem in this collection is "The Good Old Dolls:" "We are the old dolls/ Losing our hair / Hats and dresses / The worse for wear. / We are the old dolls / Noses worn / By little girls' kisses/ before you were born. / We are the old dolls / We sit or flop / In the Old Dolls' Home / Or the second-hand shop. / We are the old dolls / Fingers broken/ Old food still in our mouths / Last words spoken..." Admittedly, this collection by one of the authors of the great JOLLY POSTMAN
can be a little old-fashioned at times, a la Robert Louis Stevenson's A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES
("When I was just a little child / The world seemed wide to me / My Mom was like a featherbed / My bath was like the sea...") which certainly has its charm, while the style of other poems make me feel certain I had already read them in a collection of Shel Silverstein
("I'm Dirty Bill from Vinegar Hill, / Never had a bath and never will") and other times felt heavily the presence of the ghost of the great David McCord
("Down the wing, down the wing / Down the wing, with a ping... / Pong ball. And that's all.") Derivative? Uneven? Maybe, but more likely: enthusiastic. The reason I must still recommend it is because it ultimately feels like a jubilant homage to many successful poetic styles, and this is still a very charismatic collection, with wildly loose, appealing, and downright darling sketch illustrations and enough gems ("If You Meet a Witch," "Summer Snowmen") that each young reader and each old teacher will find a new favorite, whatever style they like best. (6 and up)
More poetry fun here!
More poetry fun here!
Links are provided for informational use. Don't forget to support your local bookseller.
More Esmé stuff at www.planetesme.com.
1 comment:
I enjoyed reading your comments about "Mirror Mirror." I shared this book with one of my library classes last month, and it was a hit! They really liked how the poem changed meaning when read backwards. Next school year, I hope expand on the book and have students write their own reverse poems.
I also liked Spot the Plot...I got this book near the end of the year, and didn't get the chance to share it as much as I would have liked, but it will be shared next year. I'm thinking I'll read as many of the books the poems are about, then share the book at the end of the year to see how well students remember the original stories.
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