Happy Valentine's Day! Nobody likes squishing a chocolate in the box and finding the wrong flavor, so you'd better check out the PlanetEsme list of unlovable love stories to make sure your storytime stays sweet for elementary school children. Also, check out "Ten Ways to Use Books to Say I Love You on Valentine's Day," and these pitch-perfect new picture books for when love is in the air...and in the library.
Talullah really wants a pink fluffy rabbit toy, but is gracious enough to accept the knitted armadillo made by her loving grandmother. The new friend strives to impress, to no avail:
Milo Armadillo was athletic.
"That's good jumping," said Talullah, "but rabbits jump higher."
Milo Armadillo played funky tunes.
"Very good," said Tallulah airily, "but rabbits only play classical music."
After a few rounds of best efforts falling short, Milo Armadillo hits the road, leaving Talullah to realize that she has, in fact, "lost something very special." Wah-lah, here we have hit the page where the experienced storytime teller will sadly say "the end" and elicit the pained squeals of the audience, but fear not...Talullah will follow the unraveled pink thread to find her friend yet again and redeem herself, in true happily-ever-after spirit. A very fetching artistic style combines a colorful, broad, sketchy line with textile collage; it's fun to see Grandma's actual yarn visually pop off of the page, and the actual pink knitted pattern makes Milo seem extra squeezable.
On Tallulah's Valentine's playlist, I would safely guess that Milo would put Crosby Stills Nash and Young's "Love the One You're With," or maybe Cinderella's "Don't Know What You Got Till It's Gone." The moment when Talullah weeps "I don't WANT a pink fluffy rabbit...I want Milo Armadillo!" the reader can barely resist a moment of schadenfreude by shouting "too late, sister!" In fact, besides being an attractive and darling book, this is a valuable little parable with a dash of emotional bravery that makes a point without preaching: the way we treat others affects others (surprise!), a marvelous point to make as young children developmentally "decenter" and realize that the ones who love us have feelings, too, and these feelings are just as important as our own. Sure, perhaps some teens and adults could afford to be reminded of this as well; share with the person you know who pores over their "ideal mate" list a few too many times, and needs to take a more appreciative peek at the nearest armadillo. And start downloading the Jackson 5's "I Want You Back." (5 and up)
Also of interest:
Love is in the air! Or at least, friendship.

A wild animal expert shares pairings of rescued and domesticated cuties to demonstrate that friendship is always possible, even when it seems most unlikely. "Even if you think I am different...something just tells me we are going to get along." Ah, a white squirrel says hello to a tiny owl! Look at that baby bunny sticking his tongue out at a grouchy hedgehog! The LOLcats-like adorable-ness of the photographs may seem facile at first glance, but in fact, the reaction I got from children made me realize this book is more than a greeting card. These odd couples serve as a comforting affirmation that there is a friend out there for all of us, and culminate as a real world example of acceptance. If animals can manage to see past outward appearances, why can't we? Also setting this book apart are the endnotes, offering the names and types of all of the creatures great and small and their back stories, giving this title a nonfiction twist that makes it a special treat for young animal-lovers. (5 and up)

And what do you love? Share a shortlist of any three faves in the comments below by February 21st, 2010 (what three books do you love? Or three foods?
Three songs? Three dreams you hold dear? Three friends? Three teachers? Three websites? Or even three things you love to hate, if you happen to be a Valentine Scrooge?), and be entered in a drawing for three books that celebrate February: the lovely
LIN YI'S LANTERN: A MOON FESTIVAL TALE by Brenda Williams and Benjamin Lacombe (Barefoot) for Asian New Year, Patrica Polacco's stirring JANUARY'S SPARROW (Philomel) for Black History Month, and the romantic wordless picture book romp SUNDAY LOVE by Alison Paul (Houghton Mifflin) in honor of Valentine's Day. I love reading great children's books, and sharing them with you, and I love when you share them with children in turn! XOXO!

Links are provided for informational use. Don't forget to support your local bookseller.
More Esmé stuff at www.planetesme.com.
Three books I love:
Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon
Love that Dog
Educating Esme
Three things I love:
1) when my students sniff books
2) road trips
3) Donny Osmond
Three children's authors I love:
Helen Lester
Patricia Polacco
Eve Bunting
Three of my favorite things:
1. striped socks
2. seeing the first daffodils blooming in winter
3. spending an afternoon in a library or bookstore
Thanks for the chance to win these books. I just discovered your blog and am really enjoying it!
1. cafe mochas from starbucks
2. my twin sister
3. my beautiful yellow labs
1. my 10 beautiful children
2. sticky, chocolatey Valentine kisses from these children
3. homemade hearts taped to the window
Mary Englebreit's Queen of Valentine's, All Mercy Watson Books by Kate DiCamillo, lately anything by Richard Scary.
Three Fave Book Series:
1. The Little House series
2. Henry and Mudge series
3. Harry Potter series
Three seasonal favorites:
1. Curling up with a good book under a comforter while sipping hot chocolate and watching the snow fall
2. Curling up with a good book under the sun while sipping lemonade and watching kids play in the humid air at the beach
3. Curling up with a good book under a blanket while sipping coffee and watching the tri-colored leaves blow through the wind
(4. Curling up with a good book under the slightly sunny sky while sipping tea and watching birds chip as they pull worms out of the soft earth.)
My 3 favorite 2.0 technologies:
1. bloglines.com so I know when my favorite blogs (including yours) are updated
2. edublogs.com
3. librarything.com
I love... the drive-up at my local library, the children's department of the independent bookstore in Naperville, IL, and a good mystery novel.
I love my playgroup mom friends: Janelle, Nicole and Betsy!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy B.
Three Children's Books I Love:
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Cat in the Hat
Make Way for Ducklings
Lovely giveaway!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
A few of my favorite illustrators...
Eulalie Banks
Tricia Tusa
Loren Long
Clever idea for entries!
I love
1. Pizza
2. Ice Cream
3. Steak
3 favorite picture books (at the moment)
My Heart is Like a Zoo
Bad Kitty
My 3 favorite books:
Harry Potter (whole series)
Life of Pi
Flotsam (picture book)
Please enter me in the contest.
btw- I really enjoyed "Educating Esme"
Three things I love:
1. my sweet kids
2. the grumpy looking plush cheetah who watches over the Children's Department in our library
3. ice cream
*great idea!
1. Raffi songs
2. Classic Sesame Street Songs
3. Tom Lehrer's songs for The Electric Company
urchiken at gmail dot com
3 authors I love:
Lorie Ann Grover
Mo Willems
Lauren Child
(I could SO easily write 33 names here instead of 3.)
BF MC: I LOVE Love That Dog, too. An amazing book.
Three of my favourite memories -
in the hot summer afternoons of early school vacations, rooting through the junk in my grandparent's spare room, delighting in the little discoveries of 'olden' things...
some years later, sleeping under the stars on the roof when power went off, and scrambling back to the bedrooms with all the bedding when a sudden shower aroused us...
in the quiet streetlit nights of college times, strolling alone in the campus, feeling the wind...
Clever idea for entries!
I love
1. Pizza
2. Ice Cream
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